You can add your child to the list at any time using our online registration form.Visiting the pre-schoolIf you would like to arrange a visit to the pre-school please contact the Pre-School Manager. How to apply for a place at the pre-schoolCobham Community Pre-School accepts applications for children from the term after they are 2.5 to 4 years old. Children become eligible for government funded sessions (see below) from the term after they are 3 years old. In order to apply for a place, please complete our online registration form, or return a registration form to the preschool at any point after the birth of your child. This will be acknowledged via email, please check your junk mail if you can't see the email. You will then be contacted around 6-12 weeks before they are due to start check which if you would still like the place. You will be contacted by email so we advise adding [email protected] to your contacts. Children generally start pre-school at the start of the autumn term (September), some places may be available at the start of the spring term (January), and occasionally we have spaces available to start in the summer term (April). Please contact the preschool if you wish to discuss the most suitable time for your child to start.
Session availability
Subject to availability, we offer up to 6 sessions (15hrs) a week to each child in the year before they start school. This can include 2 afternoon sessions.
All other children start on 2 morning sessions a week.
Children who are attending both the morning and afternoon sessions are given priority on lunchtime sessions.
How we allocate placesIf there are more applications than available places the following admissions criteria are used to allocate places. Places are allocated the term before children start so applications must be received at least one full term before you would like your child to start. 1) Vicinity to the pre-school: Children who live within the parishes of Cobham and Sole Street, and Luddesdown are given first priority. 2) Looked after children, including those who are adopted. 2) Siblings who currently attend or have previously attended the pre-school. 3) All other applications received by the start of the term before they are due to start in order of application date.
We do not prioritise children who receive the Universal funding nor those who pay session charges. For each criteria children who have been on the waiting list for the longest length of time will be given priority. There is no fee for registering/applying for a place and you will be informed by half way through the term before your child is due to start if you have been offered a place. When you accept the place you will be asked to pay a £50 refundable deposit.
Funded sessionsWe receive the Universal (Funded Early Education) funding for three and four year olds; entitling children to up to 15 free hours from the term after their third birthday. Please note lunch sessions cannot be covered by the funding, and you must submit a parental declaration form on time to claim the funding for your child. We are not part of the ‘30 hours of funded childcare’ scheme.
Parental FeesFor children who are not eligible for the Universal (Funded Early Education) funding the fees are: £20.00 per morning or afternoon session, lunch session £6.00. All fees are payable termly in advance. Lunch sessions are not compulsory, if you prefer you can come and collect your child for lunch at the end of the morning session. Payment can be made by BACS, by using Childcare vouchers or through the Tax Free Childcare scheme. A copy of our current charges and Universal Funding structure can be downloaded here Early Years Pupil PremiumThe Early Years Pupil Premium provides an extra 53p per hour for three and four year old children whose parents are in receipt of certain benefits or who have been in care or adopted from care. This means an extra £302 a year for each child taking up the full 570 hours funded entitlement to early education. If you are eligible this additional money could make a significant difference to your child’s attainment in the future and we encourage you to apply for the extra funding. There is a sectiion on the funding claim form to complete to give the preschool permission to apply on your behalf. |