Terms & Times


We are open 38 weeks a year

closing for Easter, Summer,

Christmas holidays and half-terms.


The pre-school is open five days per

week and runs morning, afternoon

and lunch sessions.

Morning sessions Monday to Friday 9.15am to 11.45am (all children)

Afternoon sessions Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 12.30pm to 3.00pm (available to children the year before they start primary school)

Lunch sessions are offered Monday to Thursday, 11.45am to 12.30pm (available to children the year before they start primary school)


Autumn Term 2021

Mon 6th Sept - Fri 22rd Oct

(Half-term 25th - 29th Oct)  

       Mon 1st Nov - Fri 17th Dec *    


        Spring Term 2022

   Tues 4th Jan - Fri 11th Feb

   (Half-term 14th - 18th Feb)

   Mon 21st Feb - Fri 1st April     


Summer Term 2022

Mon 25th Apr – Fri 27th May

(May Bank Holiday – Mon 2nd May)

(Half-term 30th May - 3rd June)

Mon 6th June - Fri 22nd July **


Please note that all planned events are subject to change

* Nativity & Christmas Fayre Thursday 16th December - all children are welcome, no normal sessions that day (Govt guidlines permitting)

* Christmas Party Friday 17th December - all children are welcome, no normal sessions that day (Govt guidlines permitting)

** Sports Day Thursday 21st July - all children are welcome, no normal sessions that day (Govt guidelines permitting)

** Leavers' Picnic Friday 22nd July for children starting primary school in September 2022 - no normal sessions that day (Govt guidelines permitting)


Morning Sessions Age 2.5 - starting school reception class

We focus on learning through play, using a tailored curriculum leading to approved learning outcomes. These sessions allow children the opportunity to make their own choices with adult interaction to encourage activities. We follow the National Curriculum's Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for children. We have a high adult to child ratio with a maximum of 28 children at each session and up to 6 staff, giving a high standard of individual attention.


Afternoon (Swan) Sessions - from the September before a child starts reception class

These sessions have been developed to aid the child in the transition from pre-school to primary school. Again, we have a high adult to child ratio, with a maximum of 15 children at each session, giving an excellent standard of care and attention. 


Lunch Sessions

There is a fee of £6.00 per child per session. This fee is not covered by Universal (Funded Early Education) funding. Children provide their own packed lunch. It is not compulsory for children to attend the lunchtime session, even if they are attending both the morning and afternoon session that day, if you prefer you can take your child home for lunch.